SICC Members Directory, Annual Report and Business Minds Magazine

The Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) was founded in Singapore in 1837. It is a wholly independent, non-profit business association.

SICC began by standing up for Singapore as a business hub and for its members’ business interests. This is still its mission today. SICC achieves its mission by understanding its members’ business concerns. It advocates these to the government with the aims of achieving greater mutual understanding and practical solutions. This win-win approach benefits policymakers and the businesses which sustain Singapore’s economy. SICC members include global corporations, large local companies as well as SMEs from 20 industries. The Chamber also works to facilitate international trade via its Certification Services.


Business Minds 2011, 2012
SICC Annual Report 2012, 2013, 2014
SICC Members’ Directory 2013/14, 2014/15


Singapore International Chamber of Commerce

Scope of work

Creative Concept & Design
Content Management
Print & Production